
Yanni - One Man's Dream

Yanni is a greek pianist and composer, with a very sucessful career world wide. I will not talk extensibly about this, but if you feel curious about it, you can read about in his site http://www.yanni.com/biography.asp.

I will say however that one of the things that I like in him ( besides the wonderful music he does ), is that he was self thought pianist. And with this and don’t what to be negative to the fact of others have classes and tutors, but that being self thought in something, and reach such perfection is something that I admire very much, because I understand how hard that battle can be, a battle of self determination, self esteem, and willpower.

Another artist I also admire for that and for the amazing work is Andreas Bitesnich. But that, I will talk on another post.

2 comentários:

ANGELA disse...

Hi, I`m also a BIG Yanni Fan, I love his music. I heard he is back now working with Ric Wake, I saw a video clip on yanni.com. Excellent video, excellent site with the latest updates. I am excited to see what Yanni has in stored for us now. I bet it will be BIG. Check it out.

YST, Angela

Victor Martins disse...

Hummm, that is good news :)
Let's see what will come, It sure is promissing.

Thank you :)
